Academy Awards Nominations 2013: Best Animated Short Film


If The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore would not have won the Oscar for Best Animated Short at the 2012 Academy Awards, I would have lost it. In the immediate aftermath I would have threatened to write a letter or boycott the award show. Slowly, I would have calmed down and eventually, I would have done nothing. But for those first 15 minutes, look out. Thankfully, the short film did prevail, and my faith in the Academy Awards was restored (until The Artist won best picture and all was lost).

At this year's Oscars, there is no clear favorite for Best Animated Short. Here's who is nominated:

"Adam and Dog," Minkyu Lee

The only real dud of the bunch is "Fresh Guacamole," which is fun to watch, but it doesn't pack even a smidgen of the emotional punch or charm as that of "Adam and the Dog," "Head over Heels," and "Paperman." Nor does it match the humor of "Maggie Simpson in 'The Longest Daycare.' 

Look for one of the ""Adam and the Dog," "Head over Heels," and "Paperman" to emerge victorious.

All five films will evenutally be available for download on iTunes. 

As a treat, here's last year's winner, The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore: