Obama Gun Control Speech Live Stream: Watch the President's Latest Push From Connecticut
In President Barack Obama's latest bid to rally support for gun control legislation, he will be speaking in the home state of the Sandy Hook school shootings at the University of Hartford, Connecticut. Obama is expected to meet with Sandy Hook families, using their story as means to push lawmakers into passing legislation to order to help increase gun safety in the U.S.
The Sandy Hook tragedy occurred on December 14 of last year, taking the lives of 20 children and six adults at the hands of gunman Adam Lanza.
Click here to live stream President Obama's speech from Connecticut
Governor Dannel Malloy recently signed into law and passed provisions that are said to be the toughest gun control laws within the U.S. yet. Connecticut now bans the sale of ammunition magazines that can hold more than ten bullets, bans over 100 firearms, requires background checks for private sales, fingerprints for gun buyers and established a fund to help improve school security.
On the other hand, Washington, gun rights advocates and opponents continue to struggle. There is currently talk of a bipartisan agreement that would extend firearm background checks to online sales and at gun shows. However, there is an evident sentiment for gun rights advocates that fear "government tyranny" against restrictions. "I think principally the Second Amendment deals with keeping the government from going astray in a tyrannical direction," said the executive director from the Gun Owners of America.
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and other republicans plan to filibuster gun control legislation to be brought to the floor by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) sometime this week.
Connecticut isn't the only state that Obama has visited in lieu of his aggressive gun control advocacy. Last week, the president made an appearance in Colorado, where the Aurora and Columbine shootings took place. There, he acknowledged the uphill struggle that comes with the politics of gun control within the U.S.
"We knew from the beginning that change wouldn't be easy, and we know that there would be powerful voices that would do everything they could to run out the clock, change the subject, ignore the majority of the American people. We knew they'd try to make any progress collapse under the weight of fear and frustration, or maybe people would just stop paying attention," he said.
"The only way this time will be different is if the American people demand that this time it must be different, that this time we must do something to protect our communities and our kids."
Obama is expected to speak at Hartford on Monday, at anytime during the late afternoon to evening. The event will be live-streamed from the White House website.