Birmingham City Council Refuses to Lower Flags For Margaret Thatcher
All cities across the United Kingdom have collectively decided to lower their flags to honor the passing of their first (and only) female prime minister, Margaret Tchatcher. Everyone has joined into the symbolically tribute to the Iron Lady. Well almost everyone.
If you look at Birmingham’s Council House right now, their union flag flies high and proud.
The BirminghamMail reports that "the city’s flags flew stubbornly at the top of their poles, much to the dismay of city Tories who branded Labour rulers ‘petty.’ Many councillors also boycotted the minute of silence for the deceased prime minister during their council meeting. Many protested the memorial tribute by remaining outside the chamber while minute of silence was taking place."
Washwood Heath Labour councillor MariamKhan explained that he didn't want to take part in the minute of silence honoring the Iron Lady because he didn't agree with her positions on crucial issues: "I wasn’t around in Margaret Thatcher’s era myself – but for the majority of the people I think this action was about the policies she passed, and what she stood for."
Although many are angry about the council's symbolic protest, Council leader Sir Albert Bore said that the flag wasn't lowered for the last two deceased British prime ministers so he doesn't see why it would be different this time around. "We have treated all prime ministers in the same way," he said.
Should all prime ministers be treated equally? Seems pretty fair to me.
What do you think? Let me know on Twitter: @feministabulous