Cinnamon Challenge Bad for Your Health? Duh.


Put down the cinnamon. Turns out the ever popular ‘Cinnamon Challenge’ is bad for your health. Yes, everyone swallowing a tablespoon of ground cinnamon is apparently not as good for you as everyone thought? Oh no one though that? Okay. 

Apparently the popular YouTube challenge has ended with some people being taken to the emergency room after the spice becomes inhaled into the lungs. Ouch. Pediatrics professor Dr. Steven Lipshultz said that this challenge is dangerous particularly because cinnamon is comprised of cellulose fibers. That means that they don’t break down upon entry into the lungs. The spice can also irritate and burn the membranes that line the digestive and respiratory tracts. As you may have witnessed by watching some of these videos on YouTube, puking isn’t out of the question either. As the challenger simultaneously coughs, the fear is that the person will inhale their own vomit. This is obviously not a good and could lead to aspiration pneumonia.

I can't believe I'm hearing this, am I really to believe that:





or This: 


is a bad idea? That over 51,000 YouTube clips are wrong? Sure, next you’ll tell me that I should rethink snorting a condom up my nose.