Dzhokhar Tsarnaev YouTube Wrestling Video: A Major Fail
In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing there’s been a lot of questionable reactions. I mean a lot. From Glenn Beck to Alex Jones, many of the responses have been astronomically cringe-worthy. On April 20, someone with the user name zmorris13 uploaded a video of accused bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
The content from the video is circa 2008-2009 and shows the young Tsarnaev wrestling Nathan Gioacchini at the Methuen High School Invitational. Gioacchini won that tournament with a score of 15-3. The title screen for the video says, "Nate vs. The Terrorist," and it is set to a song people might be familiar with.
It is from the 2004 movie Team America: World Police, the child of South Park creators Matt Parker and Trey Stone. You may remember the ‘theme’ song from that film was "America, F*ck Yeah". Not surprisingly the video’s gone viral on YouTube. Some of the YouTube commenter's have called the video in poor taste and offensive. A disclaimer below the video reads:
This video was made for comedic purposes only. No one is trying to portray themselves as a hero, it was just made for fun. Also, my deepest sympathies go out to all those affected by the Boston Marathon bombings and the aftermath that took place in the surrounding areas of Boston.
Whoever the person is that uploaded the video probably should have considered a different song. The movie, Team America: World Police was a cultural critique of America's extreme jingoistic tendencies. This video is essentially everything that Team America was making fun of.
What do you all think, is this funny? Am I making too much out of this? Should I stop spending time on YouTube? Let me know by commenting below!