Dear Reince Priebus: You're Dead Wrong About the GOP & Millennials
I am hardly a shill for Democrats – they have their multitude of policy problems and, sadly, are too often focused on self-preservation over courageous decision-making. But Reince Priebus is out-of-touch at best, and egregiously stretching the truth at worst, if he tries to claim the GOP is a better home for America's youth.
1. On Jobs? The GOP position is: "Forgot these wasteful Department of Labor programs that train and employ low income youth — and let's also cut AmeriCorps and National Service — because paid volunteerism is an oxymoron."
7. On Marriage Equality? "A marriage is strictly between a man and a woman.” Enough said…
I could go on…
Reince, please tell us exactly how Republicans are doing right by millennials.