10 Things I Wish I'd Known Before Starting College
I'm a graduating senior (I know, SCARY!). Looking back on my freshman year of college, here are a few things I wish I'd known before making the leap from high school to college. If you haven't started college yet, keep all of this in mind in the months leading up to orientation and the first day of school.
1. "You're on your own for the first time" doesn't really mean you're on your own.
2. You have no idea how much college really costs.
3. It's a bigger jump from high school to college than you think!
4. Professors are not teachers.
5. Planning meals and grocery shopping is a lot harder than your parents make it look.
(That is assuming you have enough money to go grocery shopping.)
6. Procrastination was a problem in high school? Now it's a death sentence.
7. That 4.0 won't survive through four years of college.
8. Just because you're accepted into several internship programs doesn't mean you have to accept all of them.
9. Your body needs sleep to survive! It wasn't just something your parents made you do.
10. Be adventurous, but don't try to pack everything into your first semester, you have four years of college to explore this big world, so take time to enjoy it!
Sound off! What things do you wish you'd known about college or yourself before making the leap from high school?