Katy Perry Just Apologized to Chief Keef, the Rapper Who Threatened to Beat Her Up


*Trigger Warning: Violence*

Today in hot celebrity news, just your regular dose of cool bikini bods, growing baby bumps, and violent gender-based threats on Twitter! Wait, what? 

After Katy Perry tweeted about a song called "I hate being sober," she received a series of very vulgar tweets from Chief Keef, the 17-year-old rapper at the origin of the song. 

After he sexually humilitated her and threatening to brutalize her too, he put out a tweet stating his intention to write a nasty song about her.

To make this story even MORE screwed up, Katy Perry responded with an ... apology. Yes, because after a woman is demeaned and verbally threatened by a man, it's up to her to take responsibility for causing any trouble in the first place.

Did Katy Perry just say she is the "lover" of someone who just called her a bitch who should bow down to him sexually? Yup and more than 11,000 people just retweeted it too.  Since when do 17 year-old boys feel totally comfortable telling grown women that they'll smack the sh*t out of them? More importantly, why would Katy Perry put up with it? The Huffington Post thinks it makes sense considering the rapper's violent past:

"With all those lovely messages Keef had for the singer, Perry realized she clearly didn't want to further antagonize a man who raps about threatening to murder a woman who refuses to perform oral sex on him, and was accused of hiring a hit on a fellow rapper. As such, it's not surprising that Perry quickly apologized for her comments about his song 'Hate Being Sober.'"

This isn't the first time a big-name male artist has gotten into an extremely vulgar exchange with a woman on social media. Remember Chris Brown's Twitter-gate with Jenny Johnson, the female comedian who dared disapprove of his comeback?

Anyone can engage in whatever Twitter feud they want, but when one side is attacked on the basis of their orientation, gender, race, ability, or religion, it becomes problematic.  A man making a sexual or physical threat to woman is a way to keep her in line. Judging from the tweets above, it certainly worked.

This isn't to say that you can't argue with women online. If you disagree with Katy Perry, go for it, but please leave your friggin' dick out of it.

For more on gender, violence and social media, follow me on Twitter: @feministabulous