After Arizona GOP Debate, It's Clear Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich Would Go to War With Iran to Protect U.S. Dollar


Turn on a Republican debate and you will surely hear that we must stop Iran, even more so now since they are “close” to a nuclear weapon. Whether or not Iran can produce a weapon aside, does this talk not sound familiar? Much like another war in the Middle East in 2003, Iran has many things in common with Iraq. The U.S. now almost will certainly go to war with Iran in almost the same way. The politicians have loaded the American people with fear and demagogued the Iranian people in order to start a war for the protection of the U.S. dollar. The U.S. will go to war with Iran to prevent Iran from taking currency other than the dollar to buy its oil.

The rhetoric of the politicians is heating up on Iran. They say to the American people that we should fear Iran because they are “irrational,” “religious fanatics” who want to destroy us because of our Western ways, because we are a free and Christian nation. There may well be factions of people in Iran (and many other places) who think that way, but the vast majority of Iranian do not fit that mold. Is it really “irrational” to hate the U.S. because that government put crushing economics sanctions on your country, making it hard to buy things and survive? Is it “irrational” to fear for your own safety when an aggressive country surrounds yours with military bases?

The U.S. has engaged in behavior in the Middle East to protect its interests, mainly being the dollar and its monopoly in trade for oil. The dollar, the reserve currency for the world for the longest time, was the only currency accepted to buy oil. The monopoly the dollar had over oil insured that there would be a demand for dollars. In recent years, many countries have been removing the dollar peg to oil. Iraq did this in 2000, and the U.S. co-incidentally invaded in 2003 to only have Iraq peg oil to the dollar again that same year.

“Last week, the Tehran Times noted that the Iranian oil bourse will start trading oil in currencies other than the dollar from March 20” cites an article in The Telegraph. Iran, the world’s third largest oil country is in talks with various countries about trading in different currencies, which could lead to pricing of oil in other currencies than the dollar. This is what the American politicians are afraid of, the failing dollar. With all the debt, the government stimulus, and the Federal Reserve stimulus, the dollar is failing. The last savior of the dollar has been the “need” for it to buy oil. This demand for dollars is slowing ending, as many countries move to hedge themselves against the dollar by purchasing gold and entering agreements to buy oil in their own currency.

The years of the U.S. exporting its dollars around the world, and living off the production of other countries is rapidly coming to an end. The politicians who want to remain in power, who want America to remain “exceptional” and dominate the world with our military and economic might, are trying desperately to keep the house of cards standing. It is these actions to protect the America's perceived strength that weaken the U.S. and make it an aggressor. This aggression is what prompts the disgust for the U.S. around the world.

The war hasn’t started yet, and unless the people of the U.S. stop the political class from engaging in yet another war in the Middle East under false pretenses to protect the dollar, many people will lose their lives. Regardless of the outcome, the dollar will be in danger of collapse and we will have made more enemies and lost more American lives for not.

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