Feminist Weekly: How to Save the World 101


Editor's Note: Every Thursday, I'll be rounding up my favorite pieces from the past week so that PolicyMic Pundits can more easily read and comment on the great content being written about sex, sexuality, gender, and race in politics and culture, in addition to updates from our community and GIFs galore! You can subscribe to get updates delivered straight to your inbox.

Highlights This Week:

To quote Lykke Li, “I’m working, I sweat, but it’s all good.”

PolicyMic is hosting a week-long discussion on millennial employment (or unemployment) to take place from 6/23 – 6/29, and we want to hear from you! Whose advice do you want to hear? What do you have to say about your work life? What issues should we cover? Here’s everything you need to know about getting involved. Please share, Tweet, and forward this article widely, and let me know what you think on Twitter: @sameier12

IMPORTANT UPDATE: The next PolicyMic social justice writers NYC happy hour will now take place Friday, 6/28 at 6:30 PM, venue TBD. Hope to see all your smiling faces there!

Updates From Our Pundits: 

Over 20,000 people shared Carly Pildis’s piece “Exxon Doesn’t Want You to Know People Are Getting Very, Very Sick in Mayflower” on Facebook and Twitter. Excellent work, Carly!

Lauren Rankin is on a roll. Her writing was featured in Feministing’s daily round up on Wednesday and Sunday, Zerlina Maxwell linked to her piece on FLOTUS, and she scored a few high-profile Tweets this week!

Salon cross-posted Renee Davidson’s piece “Disney Needs to Start Waving Around a Rainbow Flag,” which Bitch Media picked up last week. Awesome job!

What did you do last week? I’ll share any outstanding writing achievements in our community, and highlight the great work that all of our Pundits do offline as well. If you have anything you’d like for me to include about yourself or a fellow PM writer, please send it along!

Must Reads From Last Week: 

5 Ways to Figure Out How You Can Change the World (Mavis Baah) — It's often said millennials don't care enough about what really matters. Prove everyone wrong by doing these five things.

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