John Malkovich: Actor Saves 77-Year-Old Jim Walpole After Man Falls, Cuts Throat


John Malkovich is well known for his ability to play a villain. However, on Thursday, real life circumstances had Malkovich playing the hero, and help save a 77-year-old man’s life.

Jim Walpole was outside his hotel in Toronto when he stubbed his toe, fell, and split his neck open on jagged scaffolding. Walpole says he saw two men rushed to come to his aid. Malkovich, whom Walpole assumed was a doctor of some sort, applied pressure to hold the wound close until ambulances came.

It was only later that Walpole realized that the man who introduced himself by his first name was indeed the Illinois-born movie star, who was in Toronto for a stint of performances in the play The Giacomo Variations. The other man was Toronto restaurateur Ben Quinn.

ABC News reported the Malkovich later found the tour guide who was showing Walpole around at the time to ask about his well being. Malkovich also later wrote a note to Quinn after he left the hospital. Malkovich, ever effete yet intimidating, denied comment to reporters.