13 Shocking Photos Of Brazilian Military Police Brutalizing Protesters in São Paulo

By Ana Maria Defillo

Breaking news, reporting from São Paulo:

Thursday night around 7:10 p.m., 20 men in riot gear arrived at the city's protests on recent bus fare hikes and began shooting rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd. At least 55 people have been injured so far, including six journalists, two of whom have been shot in the face.   

Police claim the protesters had "petrol bombs, knives and drugs."

BCC reported that "State governor Geraldo Alckmin branded the rioters 'vandals' and promised to act to avoid a repeat of the violence. 'The police acted with professionalism,' Mr. Alckmin said, rejecting claims that they had used excessive force." 

However, these photos tell a different story. Events are still unfolding.  

Photos from: Folha de S.Paulo and twitter. 

1. Protesters Gather:

2. Police Arrive, and Immediately Begin Firing Tear Gas:

3. A Protester Scrambles Through Smoke:

4. Folha Reporter Guiliana Vallone, Apparently Shot in the Face By Police:

5. A Phalanx Of Military Police Secure an Intersection:

6. Flaming Debris Flanks the Protest Lines:

7. A Wall Of Shields Advances On Protesters:

8. Military Police Brandish Shotguns At Unarmed Protesters:

9. Ready ... :

10. And Fire:

11. And Yes, That is an Armored Vehicle:

12. Nothing to See Here, Move Along:

13. The Result Of "Appropriate" Police Action:

Update: It appears that a Future Press Agency press photographer, Sergio Silva, was one of the journalists shot in the face and may now be blind:

Update #2: This appears to be a Brazilian police officer deliberating macing a media cameraman:

Also read "18 Photos and Videos That Show the Protesters Of Brazil Will Not Back Down and Surrender" for extended coverage.

For more on what's happening in Brazil, follow me on Twitter @adefillo. I plan on tweeting updates throughout the weekend.