Ron Paul Seeks to Capitalize in Virginia, While Bob McDonnell Postions Himself For Romney VP Spot


In the state of Virginia, you must reach a certain number of signatures in order to get your name on the election ballot.

While Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are the two front-runners for the Republican presidential nomination, only Mitt Romney and Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-Texas) name will be on the ballot. Since Virginia does not accept write-in candidates, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum will not be able to compete in the Commonwealth.

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is prepared to stand with Romney, planning several television appearances on Tuesday. It is rumored that he may be positioning himself to be Romney’s running mate in the general election.

When talking with potential voters of Virginia, responses ranged from highly excited to passive. It is assumed that Romney will win. However, Paul stands to benefit due to the fact that Gingrich and Santorum will not have access to Virginia’s 49 delegates. 

Only time will tell if Tuesday will be Super in Virginia, to many voters, it is just another day they have to go to work.

Photo Credit: BobMcDonnellForGovernor