Ron Paul Channel Will Spread the Truth
Libertarian superhero Ron Paul has never been quiet about the problems with the mainstream media. In fact, very few politicians have been completely supportive of the coverage provided by network giants like CNN, MSNBC, FOX, or ABC. Neither has the American people. Rather than continuing reliance upon the old-fashioned television stations, Paul has decided to launch his own news outlet to spread his message of liberty, the Ron Paul Channel.
What does it mean for a former politician to control a media outlet?
One of the benefits of this kind of politician-controlled outlet is that the viewers will be keenly aware of the bias from which the news is coming. Ron Paul's opinions are very well-known to anyone who looks into his political philosophy. Regardless, this sets an interesting precedent for other politicians.
It is also widely known that Senator Rand Paul, Ron's son, is taking the nation by storm. This new channel will certainly draw more attention to Rand's presence on the national scene. Ron Paul remarked that he hopes that his new website will not hurt his son's political aspirations. In fact, he believes that it might help him, since the two share many similar views.
Attempted objectivity in news appears to be a thing of the past. Political factions take to specific outlets that reflect their views. Websites like The Daily Caller, Salon, MotherJones, Breitbart, and others express a clear bias in their reporting, and gain substantial support in doing so. This type of reporting is proving itself to be the wave of the future. Very few outlets even truthfully attempt to remove political leanings from their reporting.
Such is Ron Paul’s dream: challenge the establishment by providing "fresh, engaging, original programming." Funded by $9.95 monthly subscriptions, has the goal of providing truthful news, unaffected by the pressure to meet the needs or political leanings of advertisers.
Paul currently has a strong grassroots support network, something that he fully plans on tapping into to fund and continue with his news network. His enthusiasm and reputation as someone motivated by ideals and not popularity places him in a unique position.
On the website's debut, Paul started off strong by having The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who broke the NSA-Edward Snowden story on government surveillance, as a guest.
Paul's network comes at an interesting time for the American political landscape. With Democrats and Republicans split on many national security and liberty-related issues, many people from both sides of the traditional left-right split share Paul’s views.
While the idea of a news network run by a former politician seems a little frightening, Ron Paul has quite a unique circumstance. His steadfast desire to further his political philosophy, despite poor chances at winning higher office elections, has created a strong rapport with his supporters.
Ron Paul appears to be more motivated by ideals than by power, a quality that will certainly prove him to be a valiant news host.