This Rare Animal is Now Being Used to Comfort Patients In Hospitals


When it comes to the ranks of animals in the therapy kingdom, a lesser known member is the llama. It's perhaps the tallest addition to hospital rooms, recently employed to help bring a smile to those facing challenges. At Mountain Peaks Therapy Llamas and Alpacas in Vancouver, Washington, the owner went on a whim he had that llamas would make for particularly huggable creatures to train his animals for hospital visits.

Of the 10,000 therapy animals currently in use in the U.S., only 14 are llamas, making their appearances extra special. Rojo the therapy llama even has his own Facebook fan page.

Berlin-based photographer Jen Osborne recently chronicled the llamas in action in a feature for Colors Magazine. Check out some of the adorable photos of these llamas at work below.

(Photos via