8 Things Every Teacher Does Before the First Day Of School


Summer is coming to a close, and the start of the fall semester is upon us. The days of poolside tanning, sleeping in late, and sitting around sweatpants all day are slipping out of our fingers, no matter how desperately we try to hold on to them. Oh, those summer nights! (A shameless Grease quote, I know!)

Teachers are march back into our classrooms, and beginning the ceremonious first week tango. Here are eight of the things we have to get done before the first day of school.

1. Stare at the Calendar in Awe. Where Did the Time Go?

You sit there and wonder why you can’t turn back time. The summer couldn’t have gone by that quickly, right?

2. Have a Drink. Then Have Two More.

The first drink is to get you fired up, and the second two are for when the first one makes you forget that the summer is over.

3. Try to Sleep In Just One More Time.

Say a sweet goodbye to your bed and pillow, because sleeping in just became a thing of the past. 

4. Embrace Professional Development!

We all love professional development. Try not to let your eyes glaze over during the riveting sessions about new school policies!

5. Decorate the Classroom!

Put up all the posters and classroom policies, and get your supplies in order. The classroom is your little beauty!

6. Scan The Rosters and Start Planning For the First Day.

Ice breakers, anyone?

7. Plan Week One.

If you are teaching the same subject, brush off your old lesson plans, and see if any changes need to be made. If you are teaching a new subject, furiously look for resources from all your colleagues.

8. And Now, You Wait.

The best part of a teacher’s job is meeting and working with students. After all, they are the reason we keep coming into work every day.