Syria Update: LIVE Stream of Susan Rice Address On Syria


"It is in our national security interest" to prevent future chemical weapons attacks, said U.S. National Security Advisor Susan Rice in an address on Syria Monday at the New America Foundation, live streaming here. 

The prospect of further use of chemical weapons "threatens Americans," Rice said, referencing potential security concerns stemming from the Syria crisis both for diplomats in the region and Americans at home. 

"Failing to respond makes our allies and partners in the region tempting targets for Assad's future attacks," she claimed, saying the U.S. has an obligation to uphold the customary international laws that prohibit the use of chemical weapons.  

"We cannot allow terrorists bent on destruction, or a nuclear North Korea, or an aspiring nuclear Iran, to believe for one minute that we are eroding our commitment to these standards," Rice said.

Live streaming video by Ustream