PolicyMic's September Challenge: School Us On Education Reform
Back to school has begun.
As students around the nation don their sneakers and hoist their backpacks (or, in some cases, scroll through their homework assignments on their iPads), PolicyMic Pundits have taken it upon themselves to ask the hard questions about America's ongoing education dilemmas. But even after featuring the TFA alum who learned an unexpected lesson during his year in the corps, the surprising argument in favor of letting high schoolers sleep through first period, and Boston public schools' new plan to provide free meals, plenty remains to be said.
PolicyMic will host a special discussion on education policy and ed reform to run 9/24 - 9/26. We're looking for a variety of short, 500 - 800 word op-eds about the real, live humans struggling to improve our schools and our communities. (You can read our standards for pitches here.) Whether you're an educator fighting to keep ethnic studies in schools or a tech genius looking to teach girls computer skills after the last bell rings, we want you to tell us the personal stories about primary education that we're not hearing anywhere else.
If you have ideas for what we should cover, or who we should invite to join the discussion, email or Tweet at me: @sameier12
If you're interested in contributing, or if you have any questions, please email me (sam@policymic.com) by Tuesday, 9/17 at 5 PM EST.