Join the PolicyMic Culture Team For Happy Hour
It has somehow been six whole months since our last Culture section happy hour. In those six months a lot of amazing things have happened. Number one: The incomparable Julianne Ross joined the team. Number 2: We moved to an office space that is way bigger, and way better. Number 3: We grew the section to tremendous new heights; upping the ante both size and quality wise.
To celebrate all three of those triumphs (and to just generally celebrate PolicyMic), we are hosting a happy hour for NYC-area culture writers to meet IRL, scope out our new digs, and gab about all things arts and entertainment related. Please join us!
Who: PolicyMic culture writers ... and any friends/acquaintances/lovers who you think would be interested in writing for (or learning about) PolicyMic.
What: A post-work soiree.
When: Tuesday September 17th. 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Where: The PolicyMic office, aka 35 West 36th St., 9W
To RSVP, please e-mail Elena Sheppard (