Millennial Women Are More At Risk for Dementia, Depression, and ADHD

By Danielle Paradis

Millennial women need to be worried about brains, but not because of World War Z-style invasion. There are more than 35 million women living with dementia worldwide — that number is expected to triple by 2050 (that's when we millennials will be in full-on senior mode). 

Most people reading this are a few years away from their golden years, but women face health inequalities from very early on. Although women live about five years longer than men, we tend to be "sicker" and suffer more symptoms from illnesses. The female millenial population, while famously upbeat, are facing levels of stress so high we are more forgetful than seniors; we're also developing higher rates of depression and ADHD. 

Almost 70% of new Alzheimer’s sufferers will be women. There are currently no studies exploring this huge discrepancy. 

The WBHI is raising awareness over growing concerns about women’s brain health; they list some startling facts on their website about this unchecked problem.

For every man suffering from dementia, stroke, or depression you can add two women. If your mother, rather than your father, has Alzheimer’s you have an increased risk of developing the ailment.

Thankfully, some great ladies have our backs. Last week, Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post and Heather Reismen of Indego were the first women to be honored by the Women’s Brain Health initiative in recognition of their efforts in championing support for women’s brain health. Both have pledged commitment to raising awareness and funds for research into dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurological ailments that disproportionately affect women. 

We need to offer a big feminist high five to Huffington and Reisman for stepping up to save our lady brains. We might not need them now, but it's good to know that they're working toward our better futures.