This Menacing Clown is Stalking a British Town


Scary clowns have been the cause of nightmares since Tim Curry's murderous Pennywise stalked the town of Derry in Stephen King's film It. To make matters worse for those who have a clinical fear of clowns, also known as coulrophobia, there is a mysterious clown wandering the streets of the British town Northampton at night.

That's right, not the friendly clown handing out candy and making funny balloons for children in broad daylight. He just roams the streets, usually standing still … creepily.

Steven Coles, Northampton Herald, Northampton Clown

Residents of Northampton accused the clown of knocking on their door and offering to paint their sills despite having no painting equipment, as the Northampton Herald reports. The clown later denied the accusation on his Facebook page ... which has nearly 80,000 likes.

Who knew people liked clowns so much, especially, eerie ones who stroll the streets at night for no particular reason?

Facebook Page, Spot Northampton's Clown

On one of his Facebook posts, he writes:

"Too much hate not enough love. No, I don't have a knife on me! That's just stupid rumours spread by stupid people. I'm also 'not' on twitter as it confuses the heck out of me. However, I might go for a jog around that pond in Abington Park later as I'm really unfit ... See you around! Beep Beep!"

Well, at least the clown is maintaining digital contact with his fans. Here are some tweets people are sharing about the rising British clown star:

Check out what else people are tweeting about this strange icon: #clownwatch #northamptonclown