Fast and Furious Book Nixed by Obama Administration — What Are They Afraid Of?
December will mark the three-year anniversary of the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. His murder forced ATF Agent John Dodson to blow the hinges of the Fast and Furious operation that was designed to shut down the flow of U.S. guns to Mexican drug cartels. Fast and Furious instead was responsible for walking 2,000 guns into Mexico, two of which were found at the murder scene of Brian Terry and has since resulted in senior level resignations, 18 months of congressional investigations, and an unprecedented move by the House to hold sitting Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.
Fast and Furious could also result in a tell-all book by the operation's own whistleblower, Agent Dodson. But the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms won't have it.
Agent John Dodson's book, titled Unarmed Truth, would provide the first inside account of the federal government operation that knowingly allowed and helped to sell 2,000 guns that would find their way into the hierarchy of the infamous Sinaloa drug cartel.
Following federal rules, Dodson who is working with publisher Simon & Schulster, submitted his manuscript only to have it denied under arbitrary policies.
Federal code can prohibit employees from receiving outside compensation from speeches and writing. ATF ethics official Greg Serres, told Dodson that supervisors at any level could deny outside employment "for any reason." Serres went on to say in his letter that such a book would "would have a negative impact on morale in the Phoenix Field Division and would have a detrimental effect [sic] on our relationships with DEA and FBI."
Without offering a specific objection, the ATF's decision holds little weight to John Dodson's right to freedom of speech. The American Civil Liberties Union is fighting Dodson's case. ACLU Attorney Lee Rowland stated that the "ATF faces a high burden in demonstrating its interests outweigh Agent Dodson's right to speak — and the public's right to hear — his views about Fast and Furious."
Since Agent Dodson's first day on Fast and Furious he has been met with resistance in bringing to light an operation that carelessly fueled the flow of firearms in an attempt to catch big bad guys. While a law enforcement official explains that Dodson can publish his book without compensation as long as it found to not reveal any information that is "law enforcement sensitive," Dodson says Unarmed Truth will make its debut in January 2014 with or without the bureau's permission. How many of you will support his freedom of speech?