Mike Myers Expecting a Second Child, America Responds “YEAH BABY”


Mike Myers – the man prodigious enough to star in every Shrek movie, Austin Powers movie, and The Love Guru – is having a second child. The Canadian-born actor has made his way up in the world from starring in the 1979 season of The Littlest Hobo (hopefully neither one of his children will need to endure this distinct pleasure) to being world renowned for his British free-love era catchphrase “YEAHH BABBY.”

Local news stations covering the story had one thing to say about the news of Myers' new baby: “yeah baby.”

Here’s Conan’s hilarious compilation of local news covering Myer’s (50) and Kelly Tisdale’s (36) second child:

Despite the lack of ingenuity, we’re happy for you Mike. Sorry Dr. Evil writes for every local news show in America: