Alligator Terrorizes Florida Wal-Mart

This just in from the always-scintillating Florida desk: On Sunday, an Orlando-area Walmart went on lockdown as a six-foot gator appeared and casually made its way toward the front door. After it appeared and made the automatic doors start opening and closing, store management locked up and called the local police.
Check it out in the brief clip below:
The gator just saunters right up like it runs the place. Maybe it does? I am pretty sure it has roughly as much empathy and understanding as any major Walmart shareholder. Fortunately, nobody was harmed in the incident.
In their reptillian majesty, Florida's Aligators tend not to respect our particularly arbitrary human boundaries. Last year, a 12-footer was hanging out in the middle of I-275, where it was hit by not one but two cars, nearly flipped one over, and survived.
Anyway, according to the Orlando Sentinel, the low-price-loving predator gave fish and wildlife authorities the slip. Apparently it now lurks in a lake behind the store, perhaps staking out its spot in line so it can re-emerge in a month for a Black Friday buffet.