5 Reasons Why Journalism Is Not the Worst Job in the World


Carrestcast puts my job among the 10 worst jobs in the world. Some journalists may agree with this characterization, but having worked as a television journalist for the last seven years in Nepal, I strongly object. Here are some reasons why I believe journalism is not the worst job in the world:

1. Search for Truth: Searching for the truth through words, pictures, or video is what makes the profession appealing to me. It’s the search for the truth, during the difficult times, that makes my job important. Sometimes small information could change the total scenario or even the course of  history. The truth could even make top leaders resign.

Michael Hastings' article in Rolling Stone magazine led President Obama to fire General Stanley McChrystal.

2. Information: It is rightly said that information is power. Whether it is uncovering the corruption and wrongdoing of policymakers or merely telling the stories of common people, journalists are constantly digging for information. Journalism, which is also referred to as the fourth pillar, helps people the reality.

3. Social Responsibility: The most important lesson I was ever taught by my mentors is the phrase: “Trust me, I am a journalist.” If a journalist is transparent and ethical s/he is trusted by the society and can positively contribute in working for the greater good of the society. Journalism is more than a job, it’s a bigger responsibility. True journalism is a service.

4. Adventure: No other career is as adventurous as journalism, which demands us to explore unexplored places as well as issues. This is the very reason why I enjoy my work so much. I get to visit many places everyday, meet people,  interact with them, and learn their stories. What job could be more satisfying than this?

Sebastian Junger and the late Tim Hetherington.

5. Challenge: Being a journalist means walking on the razor’s edge. Investigative stories will definitely create enemies, and in developing nations, more investigative reports create more enemies. Hundreds of journalists die every year just to uncover the truth. Journalists take up this challenge carefully.

Yes, it’s true that in developing nations, the pay for journalists is not high enough. In addition, the journalism job opportunities are not that lucrative and the working condition may be poor at times. But these are not the only  criteria through which one should  judge the profession. It is the self-satisfaction and what you give to the society that makes this job worth it at the end of the day.