17 Amazing Things About Lady Gaga Only Her Truest Fans Understand

A lot of people really don't like Lady Gaga, and I don't know why. Actually, I don't think they do either. Here are 17 reasons why everyone should love Lady Gaga.
1. She spreads love.
So, spread the love and lover her back.
2. She really can play the piano and sing her heart out.
This is a performance of her new song "Gypsy," from her upcoming album ARTPOP. If you need more proof, look here and here.
3. She writes all of her songs.
She is the major songwriter for all of her tracks. She has even written songs for TLC, Britney Spears, and Cher.
4. Gene Simmons thinks she's a rock star.
He's kind of a reputable source, right?
5. Mick Jagger likes her too, enough to ask her to perform with him.
It was electrifying.
6. She contributes to important political conversation.
Even her iconic meat dress was a statement about "Don't Ask Don't Tell," which she played a major role in repealing.
7. She says some smart things.
She did go to NYU, but she dropped out. I think it worked out quite well for her, don't you think?
8. She played football with children in the slums of Brazil.
She cares.
9. She visited a school in Peru and began a partnership with UNICEF.
She really cares.
10. She donated $1 million to Hurricane Sandy relief.
Do you get it yet? She really, REALLY cares.
11. Her bond with fans is unlike any other.
You can't think she's not genuine after watching this video.
12. She has even hired two of her fans because of their talent.
Like, who else does that?
13. And she buys food for them.
Anyone who gives out free pizza is the best, right?
14. And she takes fan inclusion in announcements to a whole new level.
She asked some fans to paint a mural to announce the Artpop tracklist. She even let each of them tweet a song from the album to be a part of the announcement.
15. Oh, and she created a social network for them.
LittleMonsters.com is a social network site just for Gaga fans. Guys, she REALLY loves her fans.
16. She is ridiculously beautiful.
I mean ...
17. And, finally, she gave us this perfect GIF among many others.
You know you want to right click, save as right now.
If you still don't like Lady Gaga, please ...