Rick Perry 2016: This Has to Be a Joke

Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) embarked on his second trip to Iowa, an early presidential primary state, on Thursday, sparking further speculation that he is planning a second presidential run in 2016. Because we all remember how that went in 2012.
But in case you forgot, here's a reminder:
Oh, and another one:
To his credit, Perry openly recognized some of his mistakes during his appearance in Iowa on Thursday. "If I was making a plan for 2016, coming to Iowa early and often would be part of it," he told reporters following an Americans for Prosperity luncheon. "But as I shared, that is a bit premature."
During his first SNL skit of the primary run in 2012, Perry failed to visit Iowa early. Instead, he announced his bid for the White House in South Carolina on the same day as the Iowa GOP straw poll, while the other candidates had been campaigning in the state for weeks. Perry later placed an abysmal fifth in the state's caucuses, functionally ending his race before it even really began.
Perry added, "Its too early for me to be making any decisions about 2016. I still have 14 months of governing in Texas." Oh, yay!
His 12-minute speech in Iowa turned into a harsh criticism of the Obama administration and an indictment of the direction of the country, targeting everything from the government shutdown to the administration's policies on Israel.
"Our leaders have forgotten how to govern. And believe me, I know a few things about forgettin,'" he said — clearly referring to the infamous "oops" moment in the video above.
"Those of you with this ... renewed sense of purpose in this country can lead America back to greatness again. I stand ready to work with you to create that," he said at the end of his remarks. Is anyone still wondering whether another presidential run is in his future?
Perry is heading to South Carolina, another early primary state, in December to attend a winter dinner and conservative banquet, according to the South Carolina Republican Party and the Spartanburg County Republican Party.
Regardless of how much those audience members wanted to get out their Sharpies and make campaign posters for him, they are probably a minority. Even Texans aren't in favor of Perry 2016. A summer survey by Public Policy Polling indicated that an overwhelming majority (69%) of them do not want Rick Perry to run. Ouch.
It's well recognized that the 2012 selection of Republican candidates was pretty bad, and Perry finished in one of the bottom spots. His success in 2016 would most likely follow the same pattern as 2012: Success at the start while everyone is distracted by how well Texas's economy is doing, and then quick failure as soon as he opens his mouth.