Video Shows How a Texting 911 Dispatcher Might Have Cost a Man His Life

Bob Hill, 58, died on a raquetball court from a heart attack while his friends attempted to resuscitate him. The ambulance unfortunately arrived too late, having been sent to the wrong address by a trainee dispatcher. The trainee's supervisor now faces a three-day suspension for being distracted by her personal cellphone.
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In the video above, Certified Training Officer Shauna Justice appears to be on her personal cellphone during her trainee's back and forth with one of Hill's friends. The caller incorrectly identified where they were as the Ormond Rec Center, but gave the proper cross streets for their location. But the trainee still sent the paramedics to the Ormond Rec Center — a mistake that should have been caught by Justice. It took 10 minutes before the trainee realized his mistake and informed Justice. He received a written reprimand, but will stay on the job.
It is unclear whether or not the mistake by the dispatchers led to Hill's death. Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson called the event a "serious mistake" that "could have been avoided."
Justice now not only faces a three-day suspension for her negligence, but also possible criminal charges for pulling a gun on a reporter attempting to interview her.