Keep Your Plan Act Moves Forward With Bipartisan Support

Following what was likely the most disastrous press conference in the Obama administration's history on Thursday, when the president admitted he failed to keep his promise that Obamacare would let Americans keep their current insurance plan, nearly 40 Democrats voted with Republicans on Friday to amend the law.
The "Keep Your Plan Act" sponsored by Michigan Representative Fred Upton is designed to secure President Obama's original promise. It's a legislative fix fiercely promoted by the GOP and many House Democrats. During his press conference, the president announced an "administrative fix," a unilateral declaration that insurance companies would be allowed to sell formerly canceled insurance plans for a year in an effort to save face in the Obamacare fallout. In a few short hours he was rebuked by both insurance companies and insurance exchange commissioners.
Shortly after, the president informed House officials that he would veto the Keep Your Plan Act "Rather than refighting old political battles to sabotage the health care law" (emphasis added). According to the president, 39 Democrats voted to sabotage Obamacare. The bill now moves to the Senate, where it remains to be seen whether Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will move the bipartisan bill forward.
Apparently, it's becoming a liability to be associated with President Obama and Obamacare. He appeared dejected and defeated while dealing with a press corps that seems to be turning on their former hero. Nearly 40 Democrats moved to gut their own party's sitting president's landmark achievement. These Democrats were given a good deal of shade by former President Bill Clinton, who publicly requested that President Obama honor his commitment to the American people and let the American people keep their insurance policies.
As the Obamacare fissure begins to crack the Democratic Party in half, we've seen the first 40 jump ship to Team Bill. We will quickly find out which team Senator Reid is on, and whether or not the president will have to veto a bill based on his promise to the American people. Either way Senator Reid chooses to act, the Obamacare civil war is just starting.