Pornhub Stats Show 6 Surprising Facts About When We Watch Porn

Porn rules the world. With racking up over 1 billion visits per month, there aren’t many of us not logging on. And there’s a lot we can learn from viewers’ porn habits, like which states are into what weird stuff. Or, how holidays and news events impact porn viewing.
According to Pornhub, its “statisticians” analyzed how holidays and worldwide events impact porn viewing around the world. The results? A mesmerizing, revealing, and downright awe-inspiring interactive aptly named “Porn Vs. World.”
So which news events and holidays had the biggest affect on Pornhub’s traffic?
1. Thanksgiving
With Thanksgiving coming up this week, let’s start with that. In the U.S., porn viewing dropped 29% on Turkey Day 2012, presumably because we were too busy binging at the dinner table to binge on porn.
2. Christmas
Christmas Day 2012 saw a similar drop in the U.S., at 27%, along with a worldwide drop of 22%. Except for Japan, which actually saw an 8% increase in porn watching.
3. New Year's Eve
Nothing compares to New Year’s Eve 2012. The worldwide drop in traffic is a steep 28%, with porn viewing in the U.S. down 34%, Canada down 44%, and the United Kingdom down 48%. The crown goes to Argentina, though, which saw a staggering drop of 70% in porn watching on NYE 2012.
4. Osama bin Laden's Death
The death of Osama bin Laden in 2011 dropped U.S. porn views by 7%. Because, America.
5. iPad Release Date
On April 3, 2010, Steve Jobs provided Pornhub with a 9% boost in viewers. The release date of the iPad 1 saw U.S. traffic increase, along with a 10% increase worldwide. It was easier to access porn than ever before, and we took advantage.
6. The End of the World
But on December 21, 2012 – what was believed to be the end of the world, according to the Mayan calendar – saw a 10% increase in porn viewing in the U.S. Because if the world was going to end, we were going to damn well enjoy ourselves.