Making Poetry: Speak Out, Sign Up, Get Covered.


Let's combine our health stories to create a movement: A national spoken word poetry project. We need an interactive community to encourage millennials to sign up for health insurance; this includes an engaging medium to share ACA information.

The project will gather stories from millenials about their experience with health and insurance. Anyone—ages 18 through 35—can submit a story. The platform is three-fold:

1.) Responses are compiled into a spoken word poetry piece and performed at open mic nights across America.

2.) A video of the project will feature millennials sharing health experiences, including life without health coverage.

3.) Act as a call to action and connect ACA navigators at poetry events with uninsured.

As millennials, we look for media that is inspirational, relatable, and connects us to the world in which we live. By combining ACA information with personal health narratives, the effect has some powerful potential. Will you help join this movement?