7 Family Photos That Prove MSNBC Doesn't Understand Conservatives At All

In an attempt to pander to its audience, sometimes the left-wing media just proves how little it understands about conservatives.
On Wednesday night, MSNBC wrote on Twitter, "Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family," and linked to the cereal company's new ad. It set off a firestorm that by Thursday, had the chairman of the Republican National Committee calling for a boycott of MSNBC until it apologizes.
The tweet ignited an outpouring of criticism directed at the network, thus birthing the hashtag "#MyRightWingBiracialFamily" as conservatives took to social to media to prove just how far MSBC veered from the truth.
1. @msnbc You don't have a clue about us, do you?
2. @msnbc Stop the hate
3. @msnbc We are the American right!
4. @msnbc I'm proud of my #rightwingbiracialfamily
5. #MyRightWingBiracialFamily brought to you by @mnsbc!
6. @mnsbc haters. I couldn't be more proud and love my biracial family more!
7. Oh, and @mnsbc, I think this one is the best
MSNBC did cave, apologize and delete the tweet, writing, "We are deleting the earlier offensive tweet. It does not reflect MSNBC's position and we apologize." In the face of American families such as these, they had no choice.