Incredible Instagrams Let You Go Behind the Scenes to See 'True Detective' Being Filmed

Warning: Some of these images may contain spoilers if you haven't seen the finale.
The season finale of True Detective crashed HBO Go last night as enthralled viewers flooded the site to see how it all ended. But while the episode may not have been accessible, behind-the-scenes images of filming the show certainly were.
One clever Reddit user combed through Instagram to find True Detective crew members' accounts. From there, users compiled a set of photos from filming. It's a much better way to wean yourself off the show than going cold turkey.
Instead of having the perfectly framed TV shots or crafted and edited promo images of the show, these Instagrams reveal a whole new side of True Detective: what it's like to actually work for the series.
It's a great reminder that these fantastical fictions and surreal plotlines come from real people like the rest of us who go to work, goof around and get excited by reaching over 11 hearts on Instagram.
It's also an amazing reminder of how wild the Internet is — we really do access culture in radically different ways from previous generations. Where once images like this would be completely inaccessible except to archivists years from now, today they can be easily found through some quick searching. Or Reddit.
Image Credit: Imgur
Hollywood is no longer some inaccessible mystery. It's right at our fingertips. And when a momentous series like True Detective comes to a close, we share part of its history.
Image Credit: Imgur
Image Credit: Imgur