There's a Very Glaring Trend in the 3 States That Love Gay Porn the Most

According to new statistics released by Pornhub, the three states that watch the most gay porn are also states that vehemently oppose gay marriage. Intensely Republican Mississippi (where anal sex is still illegal) has the highest proportion of gay users at 5.58%, followed closely by Louisiana at 5.54% and Georgia at 5.38% (a tie with Hawaii).
How very interesting.
On average, those states with legalized gay marriage watch about 7% more gay porn. But it's pretty revealing that the states with the horniest gay populations also fall squarely in the socially conservative deep South. This isn't a trend limited to America; statistics released last year by Google revealed that searches for "man fucking man" were highest in gay-bashing Uganda, Kenya and Pakistan. In other words, homophobes doth protest too much, methinks.
To be fair, it's not just gay porn socially conservative communities love watching. Heavily Mormon Utah also leads the country in porn subscriptions of any variety:
There's some scientific evidence that at least some homophobes are, in fact, "likely to be individuals struggling against parts of themselves, having themselves been victims of oppression and lack of acceptance." In a study conducted by Richard and William Ryan, about 20% of those who described themselves as "highly straight" to the researchers later identified gay-related words and pictures with themselves in a test of semantic association.
It's kind of funny that the socially conservative deep South appears to be a voracious consumer of gay porn. But what you shouldn't do is mock them for it. Whether gay, straight or somewhere in between or otherwise, living without the ability to openly explore yourself is a terrible and damaging imposition.