9 Polaroid Portraits of Your Favorite Famous People Looking Impossibly Cool

We are used to seeing celebrities all glammed up at awards shows and impeccably styled (and photoshopped) on magazine covers. Even the tabloid pictures devoted to making celebrities look "just like us" feel contrived: the perfect sunglasses, a Venti Starbucks, an outfit we non-famouses would need to spend our life savings on.
One fascinating Tumblr is distancing itself from the glitz and providing a refreshing portrayal of our favorite stars: It shows them, candid, on the other side of a Polaroid lens looking slightly filtered and effortlessly chic. The Tumblr, called Portroids, is run by New York City resident Rick DeMint, who is a businessman by day and a photography and comedy enthusiast by night.
DeMint has taken pictures of hundreds of stars looking shockingly relateable and created a new celebrity normal in the process — forget glitz, casual filter is the new Hollywood cool.
DeMint's brainchild is part celeb Humans of New York, part social reinvention. With something as simple as a casual snapshot, his portraits challenge what a celebrity portrait requires. Perfect lighting? Flawless makeup? The right hair? Perhaps we can throw that all away. Casual is cool now.
Take a peek at some of DeMint's best shots: