There's a Terrifying Clown Creeping Around Staten Island

If you're looking for a way to completely freak out an entire borough of New Yorkers, getting a grown man to silently creep around the area in a clown suit is a pretty effective way to do it.
This is the story of #SIclown, the viral clown who has been running amok on New York City's oft-overlooked Staten Island. While #SIclown has sent the Internet community into a freaked out frenzy over the past few days, the charade may be nothing more than a marketing ploy.
Photo Credit: Instagram
The clown first cropped up on social media about two weeks ago with this terrifying image:
Twitter users then began spreading the word and the warning.
Two weeks later the clown is still roaming Staten Island, but it's looking more and more likely that his menacing presence is a publicity stunt, according to the New York Post. The men responsible for the most viral Instagrams of the clown are apparently all Facebook friends. Each is linked to a Staten Island horror production company called Fuzz on the Lens, whose roster of films is available online and predominantly of the creepy variety.
It's still unknown what Fuzz on the Lens could possibly be promoting with this creeper — though it's tempting to suggest a remake of It.
Fuzz on the Lens' official Twitter is still denying the clown connection:
Publicity stunt or not, this is still terrifying.
If this is indeed the work of Fuzz on the Lens, it wouldn't be the first time creepy clowns have stalked cities in the name of film promotion. Last year, the English town of Northampton was tormented by a clown to draw buzz to a short film. Regardless of the #SIclown's endgame, it's safe to say he has the Internet's full attention.