This Is What Movie Stars Would Look Like as Hipsters

These days, the hipster aesthetic has become so mainstream that Brooklyn's finest wouldn't even consider it stylish anymore. Perhaps that's why the trend has pivoted back to "normcore" dad clothes, possibly the most hipster subversion of expectations yet.
In the years since the hipster ascent, pop culture stars as traditional as Taylor Swift to Vanessa Hudgens have tried on pieces of the standard-issue hipster uniform. Meanwhile, Kristen Stewart's edgy "screw you" outfits largely embody the hipster ideal of grungy carelessness.
But actors and actresses with awards and accolades have largely avoided the fad during red carpet cameos, choosing instead to stick with classic couture and suits, only venturing outside the lines for an Alexander McQueen gown or a tasteful green velvet suit jacket. Their aim is for longevity: The outfit you wear when you win an Oscar is going to be remembered for decades, presumably, so it better be timeless, and not too outrageous or trendy.
Lucky for us, though, we have the creative geniuses on Tumblr to imagine what it would be like if the world were a little different.
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Bloggers at DesignCrowd asked readers to recreate actors in their "hipsterized" form, complete with tattoos, combat boots and horn-rimmed glasses. Here are some of the winners, from a crop of 198 submissions by 98 designers worldwide.
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The decisions made for each celebrity's look were not just tossed together without thought. Christian Bale, for example, is covered with tattoos of Batman, his signature role. In his tri-tone green outfit and swooped-up hair, Bale looks more like an over-the-top character than his real self. And the PBR can on his forearm just perfects the ridiculousness.
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Classic good boy Leonardo DiCaprio, never one to tread too far from the line of appropriateness, is, suitably, in a chill linen suit. No doubt Pharrell and Girls' Elijah would dig those formal shorts (and the New York Times would be On It), but Gatsby might gasp and shudder.
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Stunner Megan Fox is given the "adorkable" treatment with Zooey Deschanel-like glasses and an ironic "Ask me about my mustache" pin to match her "Ain't no wifey" beanie.
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Thanks to these images, we have definitive proof of what we've known for years: No matter how beautiful you are, the ironic hipster look will always make you look at least a little silly.
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Now take a deep breath and envision a hipsterized Academy Awards ceremony:
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Hey Brad — great 'stache.