For LGBT Couples, Tax Day Is an Even Bigger Nightmare

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Tax season can already be stressful enough, but it's all the more complicated for many married LGBT couples because of regressive state laws.
Tuesday's deadline is putting a spotlight on just how much. Married same-sex couples can file federal taxes together for the first time this year since the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was struck down last summer, but state taxes are still a different matter. Twenty-three states refuse to recognize LGBT marriages and force couples to jump through additional hoops to file their taxes. It's beyond frustrating.
LGBT families are forced to jump through extra hoops to conform with federal and state requirements. Source: Reddit
The map below highlights how complex this gets. In the dark red states, LGBT spouses must file their state taxes as if they were single and have to choose who claims the child or children on their return. Even some states with gay-marriage bans don't go that far.
State requirements for married same-sex couples filing taxes in 2014, based on information provided by the Human Rights Campaign. Image Credit: The Atlantic
When it comes to LGBT rights, there's still a lot of work for us to do.
If you're looking for more information, the Online LGBT Tax Resource is a tool that provides tax regulations for married sex-couples in all 50 states compiled by attorneys, accountants and tax experts, made possible by the National LGBTBar Association.
It is tragic that so many families have to face discrimination. But there is no question that one day people and government will come to their senses as we have with the civil rights movement, mix-raced marriage and other socially progressive issues. We're going to make sure it happens.