Royal Dutch Airlines Sent This Ridiculously Offensive Tweet After Mexico Lost

Immediately following Netherland's defeat of Mexico in the final minutes of their World Cup elimination game, Royal Dutch Airlines sent out this #WTF message.
Take special notice of the guy with a mustache in a sombrero.
The tweet was soon deleted without apology or explanation as outraged fans began retweeting in protest.
Wowza: This was about as bad as it gets for a branded tweet sent out to millions of people across the world. But it's not just tone deaf, it appears to be deliberate — someone took the time to Photoshop in that horrible face. That's awful.
Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal had this to say:
While Mexican airliner Aero Mexico trolled the Dutch company with this message: Thanks for this great World Cup, we're proud to have you home # VivaMéxico