The 'New York Times' Had The Best Way to Announce Lebron's "Decision"


The King has returned.

On Friday, future hall-of-famer LeBron James announced that he will be taking his talents back to northeastern Ohio and suit up for the Cleveland Cavaliers next season (where he's already the franchise's all-time leading scorer). The announcement was officially made through a letter James dictated to a writer and had published in Sports Illustrated. In it, he thanked Miami but ultimately said: "I'm ready to accept the challenge. I'm coming home."

So while various media outlets tried to one-up each other with their take on the announcement, the New York Times kept it simple ... and blew it out of the water. 

Image Credit (both): Deadspin

In lieu of a huge graphic or mega-text, the cover of the Sports section of Saturday's Times is just a blown-up and highlighted version of their standard "Transactions" column, usually found a few pages in, alongside the box scores and various league standings. 

The Times did manage to pull together some more extensive coverage like this story and this one, but when the news had already saturated almost every inch of sports and media coverage, what else was there to really say?  

The Cleveland Plain Dealer went with a more in-your-face statement, but an interesting and artistic one nonetheless.

Image Credit:

Suffice to say, Cleveland's pretty excited right now.