The Minnesota Twins Responded to Domestic Abuse Allegations in a Way That Puts the NFL to Shame

While the NFL was getting reamed for the weak punishment it handed down to Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice for allegedly beating his then-fiancée unconscious — a two-game suspension, really? — baseball's Minnesota Twins dealt with a similar issue in a way that should make its fans proud.
In a month's time, four-time All-Star and Twins legend Chuck Knoblauch was scheduled to be inducted in the club's Hall of Fame prior to a game at Target Field. But on Thursday, the organization announced it was canceling the event.
That's because the previous night Knoblauch had been arrested for allegedly attacking his ex-wife by throwing her head into the wall and hitting her in the arm and chest.
The reason for the former athlete's anger? His ex-wife told police that he was upset that she had not been sleeping in the same bedroom as their child.
This isn't the first accusation of domestic abuse levied against Knoblauch. He had previously been sentenced to a year of probation for abusing his previous wife in 2010.
At first glance, one might think that by canceling the Hall of Fame ceremony the Twins were just recognizing the poor timing of the event and would instead wait to induct Knoblauch once the uproar had died down.
That doesn't appear to be the case.
"There are no plans to reschedule," Twins President Dave St. Peter said on Thursday.
St. Peter wouldn't rule out Knoblauch ever being inducted: "Never is a strong word," he allowed. Still, he explained that the club has no intention of honoring the former second baseman.
The prior generation of baseball stars (including longtime Knoblauch teammate Kirby Puckett) may have been able to largely get away with domestic abuse allegations, just like Rice escaped with a slap on the wrist this week.
Yet that's not the case for Knoblauch. And rightly so.