Meet the Inspiring Man Giving America's Homeless the Hairstyling They Deserve

But one man is trying to change this attitude with one free haircut at a time. For the past few months, New York City hairstylist Mark Bustos — who normally spends his days working at an upscale salon — has been volunteering on his days off to offer haircuts to homeless people he sees on the street. With a simple phrase, "I want to do something nice for you today," he has been helping people get a fresh, uplifting makeover.
For people who have been trapped in a cycle of poverty, unemployment and homelessness, the makeover can also serve a useful function: looking presentable for a job.
Bustos told the Huffington Post that one particular example stuck out in his mind: "After offering him a haircut and whatever food he wanted to eat, he didn't have much to say throughout the whole process, until after I showed him what he looked like when I was done ... The first thing he said to me was, 'Do you know anyone that's hiring?'"
And even for those who are not inspired to get a job, just the idea of being offered a choice can make a difference. "One response we've gotten is, 'Nobody ever asks me what I actually want. I usually just get leftovers and scraps,'" Bustos said.
Check out the photos from Bustos' Instagram to see him in action.
Image Credit (all): Mark Bustos/Instagram
h/t: The Huffington Post
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a Leader."
"Meet Jim, 52 years old from Long Beach, CA.... was just released from prison 2 weeks ago after serving 10 years. . Every human life is worth the same. We all deserve a second chance."
"Best Mother's Day gift I ever gave to anyone ! #BeAwesomeToSomebody"
"First thing he said after this haircut was, "Do you know anyone that's hiring?" #BeAwesomeToSomebody"
"They don't always know when their next haircut will be. Most times they ask me to buzz it all off... Til we meet again.... #BeAwesomeToSomebody#NYC"