A case of voter fraud was finally uncovered in Pennsylvania. It was a vote for Trump

Despite Inauguration Day being right around the corner, President Trump continues trying to fight the election results by incorrectly blaming his loss on widespread voter fraud, which didn't happen. Trump spent the months before the election building a case for his false claims by slandering mail-in voting and absentee ballots. This week, finally, a case of voter fraud was uncovered in the all-important state of Pennsylvania — but in a twist, it was attributed to a Trump supporter.
Perhaps one of the worst losses for Trump in the 2020 election was the state of Pennsylvania. Although the state went for Trump in 2016, it flipped to blue this year, and that switch helped cement his loss. As a result, Pennsylvania has been the focus of a few of Trump and his campaign's questionable lawsuits. Some of the state's Republicans went so far as to file a lawsuit asking the Supreme Court to overturn the election results. The Supreme Court refused to do so.
With that in mind, it's hard not to laugh a little at a case of the fraud that Trump claimed to worry about being linked to one of his supporters. Per The Philadelphia Inquirer, Bruce Bartman went online and registered both Elizabeth Bartman, his mother, and Elizabeth Weihman, his mother-in-law, to vote in Delaware County. Bartman was able to receive an absentee ballot for both women and successfully cast a vote for Trump in Elizabeth Bartman's name. Just one small issue: Both women are dead and have been for years.
Because Bartman cast a vote in a deceased woman's name, he's facing serious charges. Right now, he's charged with two felony counts of perjury along with one count of unlawful voting. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Bartman's lawyer, Samuel Stretton, said, "In his political frustration, he chose to do something stupid. And for that he is very sorry."
To be clear: Bartman's case should be read as a single incident and not evidence of any widespread fraud. The Hill reported that First Assistant District Attorney Tanner Rouse, the head of a Delaware County task force investigating possible fraud, said, "In the hundreds of calls we received and the hundreds of visits we made, we only found one instance of malfeasance, and that was Mr. Bartman. And he will be prosecuted."
In addition, despite Trump's continued claims that he lost due to fraud, top election security experts said in November that the election was not rigged. Trump's own Cabinet department also referred to the 2020 elections as "the most secure in American history." And this month, even his longtime ally Attorney General William Barr had to admit there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.