Happy Friday, here's Lindsey Graham getting heckled by MAGA enthusiasts at the airport

It's been a tough week. By all indications, the next one is going to be pretty rough as well. With that in mind, I encourage you to sit back, get comfortable, and watch this video of Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham being heckled to hell by a group of MAGA lunatics in an airport.
Wow, didn't that feel great? Don't you wish you could capture that sense of gleeful schadenfreude again? You're in luck. Please, unclench your muscles, pour yourself a drink if you'd like, and watch this other video of Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham getting heckled to hell by a group of MAGA lunatics in an airport.
Incredible how those endorphins just rush out of your brain and flood your entire body with a feeling of prickly joy, isn't it? What if I told you where was a way to replicate that highest of highs? Go, find yourself the most comfortable item of clothing in your closet — a silk robe or crushed velvet track suit, perhaps? — and spread yourself luxuriously across your plushest item of furniture.
All set? Great. Here you go: a third video of Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham getting heckled to hell by a group of MAGA lunatics in an airport.
Brrrrr, is it cold in here, or do I just have chills of excitement watching one of President Trump's chief enablers and most unctuous sycophants get screamed at by the literal embodiment of the consequences of said enabling?
Can I make a suggestion?
Read this tweet:
Now, scroll back up to the top of the page, and watch those videos again.
Wasn't that nice? A quick little reminder that there's no part of the political spectrum that buys Graham's "aw shucks, kumbaya" shtick anymore — not even the rabid MAGA cultists to whom he sold his soul.
It's Friday, my friends. It's been one of the worst weeks in recent memory, which after the past year is truly saying a lot. You deserve a break. You deserve a treat. You owe it to yourself to end this abysmal stretch with a small feeling of joy in your heart. Please, I beg of you, practice self-care. For me, that means watching these videos on loop, until someone new screams at Lindsey Graham on camera. Then I'll watch that instead.