The big gay job search

Here’s how to figure out if a company is really a queer ally.

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As a result of the pandemic, LGBTQ+ people are facing a higher unemployment rate than their cis-het counterparts.

Many of us are pursuing a job that aligns with our values. That means finding work with a company that isn't just rainbow-tinted, but an actual ally.


It’s easy for an employer to wave a rainbow flag during Pride, but researching the existing demographic of the organization will tell you more about whether they actually value diversity and inclusion.

Start by looking at an organization’s executive circle ... Is there anyone who looks like you? Is there a leader charged with diversity and inclusion? Does that leader have a background and track record of supporting the LGBTQ+ community?


Do some digging to discern whether an employer has been making an effort to create a diverse and inclusive workplace, not just for queer folx, but everyone. How a company treats any group of marginalized people reflects a lot about their values.

Look for proven track records in supporting historically minoritized communities. Ask organizations how they address workplace inclusion. Ask for success metrics over the last two years.

Kim Crowder - she/her, diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant

Constantine Johnny/Moment/Getty Images

You can learn a lot about a company’s values by the type of compensation they offer.

“Find out whether they have considered gender affirmation benefits and whether those benefits are currently available to employees,” says Kim Crowder, a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant.

10'000 Hours/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Every communication with a potential employer is an opportunity to ask questions and learn about their workplace culture. Have all your questions prepped beforehand.

“If they don't use pronouns, ask them why. This isn't an accusation, but an opportunity to see what the priorities are and whether there is a hidden culture under the performative culture we typically see from businesses,” says Ameé Quiriconi, she/her, business coach.


Working in welcoming and inclusive spaces isn’t just good for workers — it’s good for employers, too.

Recent studies suggest that closeted employees costs companies money, and that allowing people to bring their full selves to work improves their performance and therefore the value they bring to an organization.