John Krasinski is everyone's lovable dad in his new YouTube series 'Some Good News'

John Krasinski is giving Jimmy Fallon a run for his money for the title of World’s Best Stay-At-Home (During Coronavirus) Dad.
The actor and director launched a YouTube channel on Sunday dedicated to spreading good news in this time of crisis. Think of the show, Some Good News, as the antithesis of that other Sunday night news show hosted by a comedian: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, which is a bonafide, Emmy Award-winning Good Show™️ but often boils down to a high-strung Brit screaming about the exact same things a lot of us are angry about on a daily basis. So, you know, it can get a little draining.
Enter Some Good News, which (so far) is just Krasinski sitting behind a desk in his house with an “I ♥ Dad” tchotchke and an “SGN” sign (designed by his daughters) in the background. In the first 15-minute installment, he highlighted the good deeds being done by and for medical staff around the globe. He also featured the sweet moments of humanity caught on camera these last few weird weeks — things like an elderly man singing to his wife with dementia through a nursing home window because she’s quarantined; or a grandfather meeting his grandchild for the first time through another windowpane.
The middle section of Some Good News is a skype with Steve Carrell to celebrate the 15th anniversary of The Office, the sitcom that launched them both to stardom. It’s cute — Carrell’s wife has to help him set up the Zoom call — and interspersed with some behind-the-scenes reminiscences that’ll tickle die-hard Office fans.
But Krasinski saves the best good news for last, so make sure to watch till the end. He featured a video of the “social distancing welcome home parade” thrown by the friends and neighbors of a young cancer patient named Coco on her last day of chemo. Her mom, April, sent Krasinski the sweet video in response to his call for positive stories on Twitter last week. Cue the waterworks!
In the final segment of Some Good News, Krasinski video chatted with Coco herself, who shared a powerful message about the threat of COVID-19 from immunocompromised people around the world, like herself. “There are a lot of people like me going through things, [who] have low immune systems,” she said. “Everyone that isn’t going to be extremely affected by [coronavirus] staying home to protect people that will be is really amazing,” Coco added, before thanking her doctors, nurses and caregivers. Right on, sister.
Lastly, keep an eye out for this video in the credits. It’s a masterpiece.
Keep ‘em coming, Krasinski!