Born too late to be a Baby Boomer, too early to be Gen-X, I stayed home to raise my kids. That time was spent in volunteering in schools, re-learning everything I'd forgotten from my own, and honing my understanding of Biology and Neuroscience.
Friend Zone: A Term Used by Guys Who are Pissed at Not Getting Laid
Meningitis Outbreak: Infected Steroids Prove We Need An FDA Overhaul
Sorry Ron Paul and Paul Ryan, 9/11 First Responders Bill Now Covers Cancer Treatments
The Tea Party and Libertarians Would Agree: Why We Need the FDA
Texas Rape Case: Missing Defendant Found Guilty, Sentenced to 99 Years in Prison
New Jersey Pathmark Shooting: 4 Gun Control Myths
Why We Need Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Paul Ryan as Vice President Means More Trouble for Mitt Romney in 2012
Doctor Who Invented Claim That Gay People Can Be Cured Now Admits He Was Totally Wrong
Pertussis Vaccine Needed to Curb Whooping Cough Outbreak in Washington State