A Brooklyn native raised in the heart of Tampa, FL, Amanda now attends Georgetown University where she studies Political Philosophy and Arabic Language. When she is not turning the pages of her worn copy of the Republic, she can be found covering the latest pop songs on her guitar, or watching movies for the third and fourth time.
Mark Dice Shows That Obama Supporters Are Willing to Literally Sign Away Their Rights
PolicyMic Summer Reading List: Before 'The Hunger Games' There Was 'Ender's Game'
Anwar Al-Awlaki Loved Pizza and Prostitutes, According to FBI Docs
Michael Bloomberg Soda Ban: Americans Say, "Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Soda. Actually, Can We Have Both?"
Voting Rights Act Decision: Is Liberal Rage On Twitter Completely Out Of Order?
Marijuana Legalization 2013: Nevada Makes It Easier to Light Up, But Will This Hurt the Federal Cause?
Women Should Strive to Get Ahead Of Men, Not Just Be Equal to Them
Obama Scandal: IRS Scandal Reveals Horribly Broken Tax Code
Orlando Shaw: This Man Has 22 Children, So Why Are We Laughing?
Elizabeth Warren: Senator's New Bill Demands Equal Treatment For Rich Banks and Poor Students