Andrea Zaharieva

I graduated from Hunter College, CUNY in 2011 with a double concentration in Political Science and Media Studies. In my junior year, I worked at the NYC Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs as a social media intern. In my senior year I took on writing and editing for both of Hunter's undergraduate publications. I am open-minded regarding almost everything, and I have spent a lot of time enjoying and sometimes pursuing my other interests as career options. These include video production, photography, EPL soccer, painting, and cooking.


Anti-Abortion Advocates Want You to Reject Girl Scout Cookies, But the Girl Scouts Have a Plan


Susan Komen Pulls Funding for Planned Parenthood, Collapsing From Anti-Abortion Pressure


Dept of Justice Shutdown of Megaupload Shows Why SOPA and PIPA Should be Defeated


Food Network Star Paula Deen Has Diabetes, But Did Not Cause America's Obesity Crisis


Anti-War Ron Paul Leads All Candidates in Military Donations