Bradley A. Blakeman teaches at Georgetown's Semester in Washington DC program. He most recently was the President of Freedom's Watch a right of center conservative advocacy 501 C4. Prior to founding Freedom's Watch, Mr. Blakeman was a member of President George W. Bush's Senior Staff having served from 2001-2004 as Deputy Assistant to the President for Appointments and Scheduling, Vetting and Research, Correspondence and Surrogate Scheduling. Mr. Blakeman can be seen regularly as a Republican Strategist on FOX News, MSNBC, BBC, CNN and Al Jezeera. He also is published regularly in Politico, US News and World Report and Newsmax. Mr. Blakeman played a major role in the 2000 Presidential Election as a Senior Advisor and played a critical role in the Florida Recount a role that landed him a part as a character in the HBO Film "Recount". He has also been an advisor on the ABC TV Drama Series "Commander in Chief". Mr. Blakeman is an Attorney licensed to practice in that State of New York and the District of Columbia and is currently the President & CEO with Kent Strategies LLC, a private corporation dedicated to providing strategic advice as well as crisis management and communications strategies to foreign governments and foreign and domestic corporations. He is also a principal of Manhole Barrier Security Systems Inc., which owns a U.S. Utility Patent on a manhole-locking device that is currently being sold nationwide. Mr. Blakeman has been active in Presidential Politics since 1980. He was appointed to serve as a member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council during the George H.W. Bush Administration.
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